WebAPI Help Page - Documentation for return or parameter model/class properties

生来就可爱ヽ(ⅴ<●) 提交于 2019-12-03 17:02:18

The feature of documenting individual properties of a complex type is currently in development and would be available for next release. That said you can currently get the HelpPage package from the Nightly builds and try it. You should be able to upgrade this package onto an existing 5.0 web api project.

Also currently we document only the action's input types and not the response types as generally users would want to know about the input types's information. But I can see that users might want the response type's information for consumption too...we will look into this and will let you know.

T. Holland

You can make modifications to allow html in documentation comments Here is a Reference.

After you allow HTML you can put a table with property information where the XML documentation param tag description goes. You can also look at a help page HTML source to get the class attribute names that are being used for help page tables so your table will use the same CSS as all the other tables.

This is a hack but it works perfectly.
