How to get today's date in the Gregorian format when phone calendar is non-Gregorian?

为君一笑 提交于 2019-12-03 16:28:41

NSDate just represents a point in time and has no format in itself.

To format an NSDate to e.g. a string, you should use NSDateFormatter. It has a calendar property, and if you set this property to an instance of a Gregorian calendar, the outputted format will match a Gregorian style.

NSDate *now = [NSDate date];

NSCalendar *gregorianCalendar = [[NSCalendar alloc] initWithCalendarIdentifier:NSGregorianCalendar];

NSDateFormatter *formatter = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init];
[formatter setCalendar:gregorianCalendar];
[formatter setDateStyle:NSDateFormatterFullStyle];
[formatter setTimeStyle:NSDateFormatterFullStyle];

NSString *formattedDate = [formatter stringFromDate:now];

NSLog(@"%@", formattedDate);

[gregorianCalendar release];
[formatter release];

The picked answer actually I can't compare them. only display is not enough for my project.

I finally come up with a solution that covert (NSDate) currentDate -> gregorianDate then we can compare those NSDates.

Just remember that the NSDates should be used temporary .(it do not attach with any calendar)

    NSDate* currentDate = [NSDate date];

    NSCalendar *gregorianCalendar = [[NSCalendar alloc] initWithCalendarIdentifier:NSGregorianCalendar];
    NSDateComponents *gregorianComponents = [gregorianCalendar components:NSYearCalendarUnit|NSMonthCalendarUnit|NSDayCalendarUnit fromDate:currentDate];

    NSDateComponents *comps = [[NSDateComponents alloc] init];
    [comps setDay:[gregorianComponents day]];
    [comps setMonth:[gregorianComponents month]];
    [comps setYear:[gregorianComponents year]];
    [comps setHour:[gregorianComponents hour]];
    [comps setMinute:[gregorianComponents minute]];
    [comps setSecond:[gregorianComponents second]];

    NSCalendar *currentCalendar = [NSCalendar autoupdatingCurrentCalendar];
    NSDate *today = [currentCalendar dateFromComponents:comps];