Is it possible to Multiple Objects Using ASP.NET MVC'S JsonResult Class.... Here is a controller method which returns json object of my records but i also want to pass the count value....
var materials = consRepository.FindAllMaterials().AsQueryable();
var count = materials.Count();
var results = new PagedList<MaterialsObj>(materials, currentPage-1, pageSize);
return Json(results);
How to return count along with the results
from mvc controller....
How about creating an anonymous type and JSON'ing that?
var resultCount = results.Count;
var genericResult = new { Count = resultCount, Results = results };
return Json(genericResult);
You can then eval your json string in your script as before but just query the Count and Results properties on your eval result.
There is a way to send multiple objects which are dynamically identified to send. See this.
In C# part:
Using new keywork
var genericResult = new { homeworkData = homework, attachmentData = homeworkAttachment };
var result = this.Json(genericResult, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
return result;
In jquery side :
function getHomewrokDetailResponse(dataSent, result) {
if (result && result.homeworkData) {
homeworkId = result.homeworkData.homeworkId;
if (result && result.attachmentData) {
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