Checking Spring security roles and logged username in Freemarker template

淺唱寂寞╮ 提交于 2019-12-03 15:37:44

The following should work:
step 1: Include Spring security tag library on top of freemarker file
<#assign security=JspTaglibs[""] />

step 2: To check the role name

<@security.authorize ifAnyGranted="ROLE_USER">
    Your role is "ROLE_USER" <br/>

Step 3: To check logged in user's loginname

<@security.authorize access="isAuthenticated()">
    logged in as <@security.authentication property="principal.username" /> 

<@security.authorize access="! isAuthenticated()">
    Not logged in

Hope this helps.

I'm using a Maven/Jetty setup and the Spring Security Tags don't automatically get put into WEB-INF/lib. Therefore the following adjustments need to be made:

  1. Use the following assignment: <#assign security=JspTaglibs[ "/WEB-INF/security.tld" ]> or <#assign security=JspTaglibs[ "/security.tld" ]> depending on your web root.
  2. Very ugly: copy security.tld from the spring-security-taglibs jar into WEB-INF. Unfortunately I was unable to get Freemarker to resolve the tag lib from the classpath.

You can create an HandlerInterceptor that can inject the user in context:

public class PutUserInModelInterceptor implements HandlerInterceptor {

  public boolean preHandle(HttpServletRequest aRequest, HttpServletResponse aResponse, Object aHandler) throws Exception {
    return true;

  public void postHandle(HttpServletRequest aRequest, HttpServletResponse aResponse, Object aHandler, ModelAndView aModelAndView) throws Exception {
    if(aModelAndView != null) {
      Principal user = aRequest.getUserPrincipal();
      aModelAndView.addObject("__user", user);

  public void afterCompletion(HttpServletRequest aRequest, HttpServletResponse aResponse, Object aHandler, Exception aEx) throws Exception { }


And then register it:

public class WebMvcConfig extends WebMvcConfigurerAdapter {

  public void addInterceptors(InterceptorRegistry registry) {
    registry.addInterceptor(new PutUserInModelInterceptor());


And then use it in your template. e.g:

<#if !(__user??)> 
  <a class="p-2" href="#" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#signinModal">Sign in</a>
  <span class="badge badge-secondary">${__user.getName()}</span>