silverlight MatchTimeoutInMilliseconds bug : resolve DomainServiceClientCodeGenerator

半世苍凉 提交于 2019-12-03 15:20:56

I spent about 4 hours in order to get working Silverlight 5 + Ria Services SP1 project created in Visual Studio 2012 + Windiws 7 + .NET Framework 4 in Visual Studio 2015 + Windows 10 in order to fix this error.

Initially I could not get it working in Visual Studio 2015 at all.

So I installed Visual Studio 2013 (Complete Type Installation) + Service Pack 5 and I get less errores.

After this I installed all old Silverlight stuff like WPF Toolkit and after this I just opened solution and unique error was about

silverlight MatchTimeoutInMilliseconds bug : resolve DomainServiceClientCodeGenerator

So without extra changes of the project properties I installed .Net Framework 4.6.2 Preview


I compiled fine this solution and after this I was able to compile it under Visual Studio 2015.

I hope the time I spent will help to someone.

I finally got it working. The project needed reference to System.ComponentModel.Composition

This key piece of information came from

You’ll notice that I needed to add a reference to Microsoft.ServiceModel.DomainServices.Tools for this to work. That assembly is in our framework (not the Toolkit) and it’s where the DomainServiceClientCodeGeneratorAttribute class is defined. Also, in order for this to compile, I needed to add a reference to System.ComponentModel.Composition (MEF) because that attribute class actually derives from ExportAttribute.


(for anyone wondering, this did not solve the MatchTimeoutInMilliseconds bug for me)
