Custom XML attributes without custom View in Fragment

99封情书 提交于 2019-12-03 14:24:56
Plumillon Forge

I have finally done this :)

You have to create a new LayoutInflater.Factory as I did on the OP but since the Factory is used for all the inflated layout View, and you have to return null on your Factory.onCreateView (to let Android handle the inflation) you must cache your custom XML attibutes somewhere

So here the solution :

  • Your layout XML View must have and android:id

  • Create the class which will keep your custom attributes :

    public class AttributeParser {

    private AttributeParserFactory mFactory;
    private Map<Integer, HashMap<Integer, String>> mAttributeList;

    private class AttributeParserFactory implements LayoutInflater.Factory{
        public View onCreateView(String name, Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
            String id = attrs.getAttributeValue("", "id");

            if(id != null){
                // String with the reference character "@", so we strip it to keep only the reference
                id = id.replace("@", "");

                TypedArray libraryStyledAttributeList = context.obtainStyledAttributes(attrs, R.styleable.NewsHubLibrary);
                HashMap<Integer, String> libraryViewAttribute = new HashMap<Integer, String>();
                int i = 0;

                for(int attribute : R.styleable.NewsHubLibrary){
                    String attributeValue = libraryStyledAttributeList.getString(i);

                    if(attributeValue != null)
                        libraryViewAttribute.put(attribute, attributeValue);


                    mAttributeList.put(Integer.valueOf(id), libraryViewAttribute);


            return null;


    public AttributeParser(){
        mAttributeList = new HashMap<Integer, HashMap<Integer, String>>();
        mFactory = new AttributeParserFactory();

    public void clear() {

    public LayoutInflater getLayoutInflater(LayoutInflater inflater) {
        LayoutInflater layoutInflater = inflater.cloneInContext(inflater.getContext());

        return layoutInflater;

    public void setFactory(LayoutInflater inflater){

    public void setViewAttribute(Activity activity) {
        for(Entry<Integer, HashMap<Integer, String>> attribute : mAttributeList.entrySet())
            if(activity.findViewById((Integer) attribute.getKey()) != null)
                activity.findViewById((Integer) attribute.getKey()).setTag(attribute.getValue());


    public void setViewAttribute(View view) {
        for(Entry<Integer, HashMap<Integer, String>> attribute : mAttributeList.entrySet())
            if(view.findViewById((Integer) attribute.getKey()) != null)
                view.findViewById((Integer) attribute.getKey()).setTag(attribute.getValue());

    public Map<Integer, HashMap<Integer, String>> getAttributeList() {
        return mAttributeList;

    public void setAttributeList(Map<Integer, HashMap<Integer, String>> attributeList) {
        this.mAttributeList = attributeList;
  • Your custom attributes will be stored in each View tag when you use the AttributeParser :

    LayoutInflater layoutInflater = mAttributeParser.getLayoutInflater(inflater);
    View view = layoutInflater.inflate(R.layout.jedi, null);

Standard TextView and such will not access these attributes. You may extend it though and provide functionality that includes reading those custom attributes.

TypedArray a = context.obtainStyledAttributes(attrs, R.styleable.StarWars, 0, 0);

String jedi = a.getText(R.styleable.StarWars_jedi);
String rank = a.getText(R.styleable.StarWars_rank);


Remember to always call recycle() at the end.
