Configuring Blackberry Eclipse plugin for 4.70 or 5.0 components

為{幸葍}努か 提交于 2019-12-03 13:52:15

Totally agreed - it's not at all obvious what to do. I've never had luck using their update site, so I just download and install the component packs manually:

  1. Download the "Eclipse Software Update for the BlackBerry JDE v4.7 Component Pack" from the BlackBerry developer zone (it's a zip file)
  2. From Eclipse open the Help menu and choose Software Updates
  3. Click on the Available Software tab
  4. Click Add Site
  5. Choose Archive and select your zip file
  6. Make sure everything under the JDE 4.7 tree is checked
  7. Click Install and continue through the wizard

You are a life saver!!!!!!!!!!! This worked perfectly. I understand the frustration. If this. If this doesn't work I would recommend deleteing the entire directory and reinstalling eclipse.

You should already have JDK installed: This is what I downloaded for 64bit windows:jdk-6u16-windows-x64.exe get one that matches your OS. Should be jdk version 6.

I installed this version: Should work for windows x86 and 64bit: Other versions shouldn't work. has to be 3.4 but not 3.5 (gallileo) and it has to be for java.

Then I installed the plugin. Then I followed the instructions above and it worked. does not work with the 64-bit JDK.

You have to use eclipse-SDK-3.4.1-win32-x86_64 with the 64-bit JDK. Once you use these two things together and install the Eclipse Plugin, the installation works fine, but I always get "Cannot find RIMIDEWin32Util.dll. This is a required component of the IDE." and then "Cannot find RIMUsbJni.dll. Without this dll the IDE cannot connect to USB enabled handhelds. Add RIMUsbJni to java.library.path". Both of the supposedly missing files are located in my workspace path under .metadata.plugins\net.rim.eide.bootstrapper\installDlls. I have placed those two files pretty much everywhere I could think of, even c:\windows\system32, and it still claims to not be able to find these files.

Now for the fix....

You can use with the 32-bit JDK. Make sure you add the JDK\bin to your %PATH% environment variable. You can then install the Blackberry JDK Plugin and Component Pack and everything will work!

Note: In order to "Configure Blackberry Workspace" from the Blackberry menu, you must first create a Blackberry project. Found this out the hard way.
