I need to do some research on ray tracing and create my own ray tracer. Are there any good books on the subject?
Pharr and Humphreys, "Physically Based Rendering", Morgan-Kaufman 2004
Wann Jensen, "Realistic Image Synthesis Using Photon Mapping", AK Peters, 2001
Dutré, Bala, and Baekert, "Advanced Global Illumination", AK Peters, 2006
I can recommend Physically Based Rendering by Pharr and Humphreys, which includes a full renderer written in C++ using literature programming methods.
Not a book, but the place where I learnt all about ray tracing - Persistence of Vision (POV).
Ray Tracing from the Ground Up
These two are great. They made me learn from nothing.
Also when you get involved in ray tracing, I recommend you to use Pharr's book. But that book is a little advanced for a starter.