Unable to set my connectionstring in NLog

时间秒杀一切 提交于 2019-12-03 11:49:39

Updated answer

Since NLog.Web.AspNetCore 4.8 (NLog.Extensions.Logging 1.4 for .NET Core console programs) you could directly read from your appSettings.json


see docs

Original answer

Unfortunately reading connectionstrings/settings from appSettings.json / app.config is not yet supported in NLog for .NET core.

Two options:

  1. Set the connectionstring programmatically, by using variables. In your nlog.config:

    <target ... connectionString="${var:myConnectionstring}"  ... />

    and in code: (e.g. in Configure)

    LogManager.Configuration.Variables["myConnectionstring"] = "...."; //read config here
  2. Or, set the connectionstring in nlog.config.

    In your nlog.config:

    <variable name="myConnectionstring" value="...." />  

    and using in your target in nlog.config:

    <target ... connectionString="${var:myConnectionstring}" ... />

Another option is to create and register a custom NLog layout-renderer (startup.cs):


Which outputs the ConnectionString after having read it from your favorite configuration-location. Then you don't have the connectionstring in your nlog.config, but just refer to your custom layout-renderer.

Maybe cheer for this pending issue:

