Wordpress on Ubuntu install plugins without FTP access

 ̄綄美尐妖づ 提交于 2019-12-03 11:14:54

One of three things:

  1. Either change permissions so your web server can read the wp-content directory, which should be fine for a development server.
  2. Run PHP as FastCGI which can run as a different user than your web server.
  3. Install the ssh extension for PHP (sudo apt-get install libssh2-php on ubuntu on think)

Execute this command on your ubuntu terminal

sudo chown -R www-data /var/www

I was not satisfied with any of these answers so I kept on searching. I found an answer that was so simple I was surprised it had not been mentioned already.


This answer says to add a line to wp-config.php

define('FS_METHOD', 'direct');

Job done. I cannot take credit for knowing this but I do feel it needs a mention here too.

The funny thing is that uploading media works. So I was wondering why plugins not? After changing the ownership of wp-admin it worked for me.

sudo chown -R www-data wp-admin