Examples of building a REST API server using Zend Framework?

不打扰是莪最后的温柔 提交于 2019-12-03 10:45:52

Zend_Rest_Server is indeed deprecated since ZF 1.9, you should use Zend_Rest_Controller instead. The following blog posts could be helpful : Building RESTful Services with Zend Framework and Create RESTful Applications Using The Zend Framework.

May be this link would be helpful: Creating a PHP REST API Using the Zend Framework. This code example support REST data in the format of XML and JSON.


PHP version > 5
Zend Framework 1.9.2 (at the minimum)

If you want something a little more in details, you can check the book

Zend Framework 2 Application Development.

The book explains construction of API oriented system in ZF2, through examples.

At the end of book you get:

  • ZF2 API
  • ZF2 Client side app.

The book has a lot of syntax errors as well as any book for programming, but it's only one on the market at this moment.
