How can I draw a rectangle with rounded corners in OpenCV? I know that the functions ellipse() and line() can be simply put together to draw it. I just wonder if someone has done it before and has put it in a proper function so I can use it? Ideally the corner radius is to calibrate in a parameter.
I searched a lot for that, but it seems no one had that problem before. If no one has such I function I will probably post my own solution here in a few days.
I realized, this is much easier that I thought. Here is my function. I hope it is helpful for someone.
* Draws a rectangle with rounded corners, the parameters are the same as in the OpenCV function @see rectangle();
* @param cornerRadius A positive int value defining the radius of the round corners.
* @author K
void rounded_rectangle( Mat& src, Point topLeft, Point bottomRight, const Scalar lineColor, const int thickness, const int lineType , const int cornerRadius)
/* corners:
* p1 - p2
* | |
* p4 - p3
Point p1 = topLeft;
Point p2 = Point (bottomRight.x, topLeft.y);
Point p3 = bottomRight;
Point p4 = Point (topLeft.x, bottomRight.y);
// draw straight lines
line(src, Point (p1.x+cornerRadius,p1.y), Point (p2.x-cornerRadius,p2.y), lineColor, thickness, lineType);
line(src, Point (p2.x,p2.y+cornerRadius), Point (p3.x,p3.y-cornerRadius), lineColor, thickness, lineType);
line(src, Point (p4.x+cornerRadius,p4.y), Point (p3.x-cornerRadius,p3.y), lineColor, thickness, lineType);
line(src, Point (p1.x,p1.y+cornerRadius), Point (p4.x,p4.y-cornerRadius), lineColor, thickness, lineType);
// draw arcs
ellipse( src, p1+Point(cornerRadius, cornerRadius), Size( cornerRadius, cornerRadius ), 180.0, 0, 90, lineColor, thickness, lineType );
ellipse( src, p2+Point(-cornerRadius, cornerRadius), Size( cornerRadius, cornerRadius ), 270.0, 0, 90, lineColor, thickness, lineType );
ellipse( src, p3+Point(-cornerRadius, -cornerRadius), Size( cornerRadius, cornerRadius ), 0.0, 0, 90, lineColor, thickness, lineType );
ellipse( src, p4+Point(cornerRadius, -cornerRadius), Size( cornerRadius, cornerRadius ), 90.0, 0, 90, lineColor, thickness, lineType );
Here's a Python implementation(in case anyone was looking for one): it draws a rounded corner (of random radius and line thickness --- change that if you want) border around an image:
def addRoundedRectangleBorder(img):
height, width, channels = img.shape
border_radius = int(width * random.randint(1, 10)/100.0)
line_thickness = int(max(width, height) * random.randint(1, 3)/100.0)
edge_shift = int(line_thickness/2.0)
red = random.randint(230,255)
green = random.randint(230,255)
blue = random.randint(230,255)
color = (blue, green, red)
#draw lines
cv2.line(img, (border_radius, edge_shift),
(width - border_radius, edge_shift), (blue, green, red), line_thickness)
cv2.line(img, (border_radius, height-line_thickness),
(width - border_radius, height-line_thickness), (blue, green, red), line_thickness)
cv2.line(img, (edge_shift, border_radius),
(edge_shift, height - border_radius), (blue, green, red), line_thickness)
cv2.line(img, (width - line_thickness, border_radius),
(width - line_thickness, height - border_radius), (blue, green, red), line_thickness)
cv2.ellipse(img, (border_radius+ edge_shift, border_radius+edge_shift),
(border_radius, border_radius), 180, 0, 90, color, line_thickness)
cv2.ellipse(img, (width-(border_radius+line_thickness), border_radius),
(border_radius, border_radius), 270, 0, 90, color, line_thickness)
cv2.ellipse(img, (width-(border_radius+line_thickness), height-(border_radius + line_thickness)),
(border_radius, border_radius), 10, 0, 90, color, line_thickness)
cv2.ellipse(img, (border_radius+edge_shift, height-(border_radius + line_thickness)),
(border_radius, border_radius), 90, 0, 90, color, line_thickness)
return img