I'm stumped with sending data to a remote server , I'm able to send a post request but not sure how to add data which is then received by the server.
I've went through the datasheet http://www.jarzebski.pl/datasheets/SIM900_https-121018-1.00.pdf
# usual at+sapbr=1,1 set up
# Where do I add the post data ?
which sends the http post request. But how do I add data - I've tried adding it to the url ?key=val but no joy - any help here will be appreciated
httpdata=100,10000 means that SIM800 should expect 100 bytes within 10 seconds.
This is how I accomplished this using the HTTP client:
At this point, the SIM800 should respond with "DOWNLOAD". Which means it's expecting your data. Send in your data; in my case:
{"location_id": 238, "fill_percent": 90}
Wait 10 seconds to send the rest of the commands. Then:
That did it for me. Hope it helps.
This is where I got the information from: http://www.raviyp.com/embedded/194-sim900-gprs-http-at-commands
In the backend, using Python Flask, this is the code I used
@app.route('/reportTrashLevel', methods=['POST'])
def report_trash_level():
data = request.get_json()
return Response(status=200)
I managed to get it to do what I need, this code-snippet will likely help others
AT+CGATT=1 # enter GPRS configuration mode
AT+CIPMUX=0 # Disable multi IP connection mode. Single IP cnxn only
AT+CIICR # bring up wireless connection with GPRS and CSD
AT+CIFSR # ip up - gprs working
AT+CIPSHUT # Exit GPRS configuration mode
# Now do a post request to remote server api in json format.
# Change IP_ADDR|DOMAIN for the IP or domain name of your server.
# Change 2000 to its port
AT+CIPSEND=119 # Num of char in tcp/ip data, \r & \n count as 1 char
POST /post HTTP/1.1
Host: **.**.***.***
Content-Type: application/json
Hope this helps the next person stuck on it.