Load one random flickr image & append to div

天涯浪子 提交于 2019-12-03 08:05:51

data.items is the array of your images, so just get the first one and don't iterate over the array.

Instead of

$.each(data.items, function(i,item){...}


$("<img/>").attr({src: data.items[0].media.m.replace('_m.','.')}).appendTo("#flickr-wrap");

I noticed several typos in the above answer. Here is a that code with the typos corrected and a couple minor changes.

    function getPicture(the_user_id, your_div_id){
        var apiKey = "YOUR-API-KEY"; // replace this with your API key

        // get an array of random photos
                method: 'flickr.interestingness.getList',
                api_key: apiKey,
                format: 'json',
                nojsoncallback: 1,
                per_page: 10 // you can increase this to get a bigger array

                // if everything went good
                if(data.stat == 'ok'){
                    // get a random id from the array
                    var photo = data.photos.photo[ Math.floor( Math.random() * data.photos.photo.length ) ];

                    // now call the flickr API and get the picture with a nice size
                            method: 'flickr.photos.getSizes',
                            api_key: apiKey,
                            photo_id: photo.id,
                            format: 'json',
                            nojsoncallback: 1
                            if(response.stat == 'ok'){
                                var the_url = response.sizes.size[5].source;
                                console.log(" The request to get the picture was not good :\ ")

                    console.log(" The request to get the array was not good :( ");

Here is an updated fiddle + example that allows you to fetch a random image by tag (I needed this and thought it might be helpful)


Full example:

function getPicture(tags, cb) {
    var apiKey = "fa214b1215cd1a537018cfbdfa7fb9a6"; // replace this with your API key

    // get an array of random photos
        "https://api.flickr.com/services/rest/?jsoncallback=?", {
            method: 'flickr.photos.search',
            tags: tags,
            api_key: apiKey,
            format: 'json',
            per_page: 10 // you can increase this to get a bigger array
        function(data) {

            // if everything went good
            if (data.stat == 'ok') {
                // get a random id from the array
                var photo = data.photos.photo[Math.floor(Math.random() * data.photos.photo.length)];

                // now call the flickr API and get the picture with a nice size
                    "https://api.flickr.com/services/rest/?jsoncallback=?", {
                        method: 'flickr.photos.getSizes',
                        api_key: apiKey,
                        photo_id: photo.id,
                        format: 'json'
                    function(response) {
                        if (response.stat == 'ok') {
                            var the_url = response.sizes.size[5].source;
                        } else {
                            console.log(" The request to get the picture was not good :\ ")

            } else {
                console.log(" The request to get the array was not good :( ");

Call the code like this:

getPicture('<your_tag>', function(url) {
    $("#random").attr("src", url)

In the end I had to take a completely different approach. Turns out the Flickr badge API changed and added more flexibility whilst I was trying to figure out the answer to this question. It basically does what I need to now: http://www.flickr.com/badge.gne


You may want to pull bigger images, for that you need your API key from here . Then, you may call this function and thats it:

function getPicture(the_user_id, your_div_id){
    var apiKey = "YOUR-API-KEY"; // replace this with your API key

    // get an array of random photos
            method: 'flickr.people.getPublicPhotos',
            api_key: apiKey,
            user_id: the_user_id,
            format: 'json',
            nojsoncallback: 1,
            per_page: 10 // you can increase this to get a bigger array

            // if everything went good
            if(data.stat == 'ok'){
                // get a random id from the array
                var photoId = data.photos.photo[ Math.floor( Math.random() * data.photos.photo.length ) ];

                // now call the flickr API and get the picture with a nice size
                        method: 'flickr.photos.getSizes',
                        api_key: apiKey,
                        photo_id: photoId,
                        format: 'json',
                        nojsoncallback: 1
                        if(response.stat == 'ok'){
                            var the_url = response.sizes.size[5].source;
                            $("#"+your_div_id).append('<img src="' + the_url + '" />');
                            console.log(" The request to get the picture was not good :\ ")

                console.log(" The request to get the array was not good :( ");