Why does <h:inputText required=“true”> allow blank spaces?

a 夏天 提交于 2019-11-26 17:47:31


When I set required="true" in a <h:inputText>, it still allows blank spaces. I have been trying to modify the jsf-api.jar but I could not understand how to generate new a JAR, so I tried to modify the isEmpty() method from UIInput class and compile it, open the jsf-api.jar and replace it with the new one, but it did not work.

What I need is to do trim() when the user writes in a <h:inputText> to do not allow blank spaces. How can I achieve this?

If you want to download the jsf-api.jar resource, you can do it, just read how to at: http://javaserverfaces.java.net/checkout.html.


That's normal and natural behaviour and not JSF specific. A blank space may be perfectly valid input. The required="true" only kicks in on empty inputs, not in filled inputs. In JSF you can however just create a Converter for String class to automatically trim the whitespace.

public class StringTrimmer implements Converter {

    public Object getAsObject(FacesContext context, UIComponent component, String value) {
        return value != null ? value.trim() : null;

    public String getAsString(FacesContext context, UIComponent component, Object value) {
        return (String) value;


Put this class somewhere in your project. It'll be registered automatically thanks to @FacesConverter and invoked automatically for every String entry thanks to forClass=String.class.

No need to hack the JSF API/impl. This makes no sense.


If you want to turn off the behavior that BalusC notes as one of the answers as standard JSF behavior, you can modify the web.xml and include the following.


This will trigger the JSF framework to consider the values null which may be preferable, or an alternative to the answer from BalusC.

