How Does One Make Scala Control Abstraction in Repeat Until?

喜你入骨 提交于 2019-12-03 06:15:58

Here is a solution without the StackOverflowError.

scala>   class ConditionIsTrueException extends RuntimeException
defined class ConditionIsTrueException

scala>   def repeat(body: => Unit) = new {
 |     def until(condition: => Boolean) = { 
 |       try {
 |         while(true) {
 |           body
 |           if (condition) throw new ConditionIsTrueException
 |         }   
 |       } catch {
 |         case e: ConditionIsTrueException =>
 |       }   
 |     }   
 |   }
repeat: (body: => Unit)java.lang.Object{def until(condition: => Boolean): Unit}

scala> var i = 0              
i: Int = 0

scala> repeat { println(i); i += 1 } until(i == 3)

scala> repeat { i += 1 } until(i == 100000)       

scala> repeat { i += 1 } until(i == 1000000)

scala> repeat { i += 1 } until(i == 10000000)

scala> repeat { i += 1 } until(i == 100000000)


According to Jesper and Rex Kerr here is a solution without the Exception.

def repeat(body: => Unit) = new {
  def until(condition: => Boolean) = { 
    do {
    } while (!condition)

You don't need the 2nd pair of braces, the usage should be:

repeatLoop (x) until (cond) //or...
repeatLoop {x} until {cond}

And not:

repeatLoop {x} { until(cond) } //EXTRA PAIR OF BRACES

The error means that Scala thinks you are trying to call a method with a signature something like:

def repeatLoop(x: => Unit)(something: X) //2 parameter lists

And can find no such method. It is saying "repeatLoop(body)" does not take parameters. A full code listing for the solution probably looks something a bit more like:

object Control0 {
  def repeatLoop(body: => Unit) = new Until(body)

  class Until(body: => Unit) {
    def until(cond: => Boolean) {
      val value: Boolean = cond;

      if (value) repeatLoop(body).until(cond)

  def main(args: Array[String]) {
    var y: Int = 1
    println("testing ... repeatUntil() control structure")
    repeatLoop {
      println("found y=" + y)
      y += 1
    }.until(y < 10)

There are two useful observations to make here:

  1. The solution is not tail-recursive and will result in a StackOverflowError for long iterations (try while (y < 10000))
  2. The until seems the wrong way round to me (it would be more natural to stop when the condition becomes true, not carry on while it is true).

How about a one liner for repeat until.

def repeat(b: => Unit) = new AnyRef {def until(c: => Boolean) {b; while (! c) b}}

Which, for example, gives:-

scala> repeat {
     |   println("i = "+i)
     |   i+=1
     | } until (i >= 10)
i = 0
i = 1
i = 2
i = 3
i = 4
i = 5
i = 6
i = 7
i = 8
i = 9

As above yet recursive :)

def repeat(b: => Unit) = new {def until(c: => Boolean) = { b; if (c) until(c) }}

var i = 0
repeat {
} until (i < 10)

It's @tailrec optimized too.

Llove scala :)
