rake db:create fails, authentication problem with postgresql 8.4

放肆的年华 提交于 2019-12-03 03:34:48

I was also stuck on this problem for a really long time, and went to a variety of links (including the ones offered in this post) to try and find the answer, but to no avail. However, the solution is very simple. While many of the other responses were on the right track here are the exact steps to solve the problem:

  1. Open your pg_hba.conf file in a text editor of your choice. (It is located in /etc/postgresql//main)

  2. Navigate to the line that reads:

    # "local" is for Unix domain socket connections only

and paste below it:

  local all         all                 trust

This will trust all unix users trying to connect to the psql server on the local machine. (Read documentation at top of page for further info about function of columns)

  1. Save the pg_hba.conf file and exit the text editor.

  2. Restart the Postgresql server by running the command:

    service postgresql restart

  3. Now try and start a psql server by running:

    psql -d -U (or "psql " for short)

  4. You should be able log in with no problem.

*Note: All this assumes that you have have a valid psql username for logging in. If you don't follow the links below to set one up:

Setting up a user: http://erikonrails.snowedin.net/?p=274

Making sure you have a valid postgres user: http://archives.postgresql.org/pgsql-novice/2002-08/msg00072.php

Listing all existing psql users: If you are looking for a "LIST USERS" or "DISPLAY USERS" command then try:

"select * from pg_user;" (when logged in to psql)

Good luck!

okay, found out how incredibly stupid i've been... the password for my user was simply not set ! I think i forgot the semicolon after


... i saw this by requesting "SELECT * FROM pg_shadow;" - the password field was empty. Three days of my life wasted because of this dumb mistake...

I had same problem. In my case it was because in my database.yml file the username started with capital letter but in database it was all lower case.

Solution: When creating user from postgres command line, it converts all letters to lowercase. For using capital letters, double quotes must be used.


create user AlbertEinstein; result = alberteinstein


create user "AlbertEinstein"; result = AlbertEinstein

Here are some concise instructions that should work for you


Basically you need to set the authentication method for localhost to 'trust'.

You need to give "myuser" in postgresql the privilege "Can create database objects".

In pgadmin, it looks like this:

After calling rake db:create, you can take away this privilege.

In my case, I found that a later host permissions rule line in the pg_hba.conf file had over-ridden the earlier local line. I was correctly configuring the local line to use md5 authentication but the host line was set to ident which I changed to md5

As other have emphasized here, note that using trust is an insecure method, so you shouldn't use it in any production-style deployment.
