hi Its been 2 days looking for this simple problem. I want to launch Android own launcher from my application EVEN if its not set as default.
final PackageManager packageManager=getPackageManager();
Intent intent = packageManager.getLaunchIntentForPackage("com.android.launcher");
this return null for Android own launcher but if I try custom launcher is give me successfully
Found the solution, after investigating source code of getLaunchIntentForPackage. As per documentation,
The current implementation will look first for a main activity in the category CATEGORY_INFO, next for a main activity in the category CATEGORY_LAUNCHER, or return null if neither are found.
So, the function don't look for CATEGORY_HOME, i rewrote it in following way, it worked perfectly.
Intent intentToResolve = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_MAIN);
ResolveInfo ri = getPackageManager().resolveActivity(intentToResolve, 0);
if (ri != null)
Intent intent = new Intent(intentToResolve);
intent.setClassName(ri.activityInfo.applicationInfo.packageName, ri.activityInfo.name);
Are you sure the default Google Android Launcher
being installed on your device? If not, then it's truly NULL