Difference between double and single quotation marks in fortran?

我的未来我决定 提交于 2019-11-26 17:23:50


I'm just starting out on Fortran and am confused with the usage of double vs single quotation marks.


They are equivalent. There is no difference in their usage.

You can employ this to print one of the quotation characters:

print *, "'"

print *, '"'

prints first ' and then ".

Note: You can also use two quote characters in a row to print one:

print *, """"

print *, ''''

prints first " and then '.


Functionally they have no difference. Just try to be consistent about which one you use. If your strings tend to have double quotes in them, use single quotes everywhere; if you use single quotes more often, use double quotes to delimit your strings.

As an additional note, it is possible to escape the quote character inside a string: (i.e. 'You\'re') but most people would suggest using it doubled up as they would find it more readable (i.e. 'You''re').

