Does anybody know anything about Alipay payment service? Does alipay.com have an API (Like paypal or moneybookers)? Does anybody have documentation? I cannot find anything.
Thanks in advance.
I have also started development with alipay. Maybe this can be helpful: https://globalprod.alipay.com/order/integrationGuide.htm
Stripe has just added support for Alipay. Using this is likely to be far easier than trying to reinvent the wheel.
I just recently needed to integrate Alipay into my site, and decided to open up a derivative of my work. It's pretty basic, doesn't include refunds, etc. But it will hopefully point you in the right direction: https://github.com/bitmash/alipay-api-php
I will improve the library over time (hopefully). Keep in mind this is not the GLOBAL Alipay version. It is the domestic Alipay version for Chinese merchants. However, the APIs are very similar.