Having a background in Haskell I am currently trying to get familiar with Scala.
I encountered some problems trying to translate a small, extensible expression language from Haskell into Scala. The underlying issue of writing a data type that is extensible with both new data-variants and operations is commonly known as the expression problem.
My original solution in Haskell uses type classes and instance declarations with constraints. The base of my expression is defined as follows:
module Expr where
class Expr e where
eval :: e -> Integer
data Lit = Lit Integer
instance Expr Lit where
eval (Lit l) = l
data Plus a b = (Expr a, Expr b) => Plus a b
instance (Expr a, Expr b) => Expr (Plus a b) where
eval (Plus x y) = (eval x) + (eval y)
Then, I have one data-extension that adds multiplication:
module ExprWithMul where
import Expr
data Mul a b = (Expr a, Expr b) => Mul a b
instance (Expr a, Expr b) => Expr (Mul a b) where
eval (Mul x y) = (eval x) * (eval y)
Let's take a pretty-printer as an operational extension:
module FormatExpr where
import Expr
class (Expr t) => FormatExpr t where
format :: t -> String
instance FormatExpr Lit where
format (Lit l) = show l
instance (FormatExpr a, FormatExpr b) => FormatExpr (Plus a b) where
format (Plus x y) = "(" ++ (format x) ++ "+" ++ (format y) ++ ")"
And, finally, in the fourth module the two independent extensions can be combined:
module FormatExprWithMult where
import FormatExpr
import ExprWithMul
instance (FormatExpr a, FormatExpr b) => FormatExpr (Mul a b) where
format (Mul x y) = "(" ++ (format x) ++ "*" ++ (format y) ++ ")"
Now for my problem: Usually type classes from haskell are translated to the concept-pattern with implicits in Scala. This is how far I got:
abstract class Expr[A] { // this corresponds to a type class
def eval(e:A): Int;
case class Lit(v: Int)
implicit object ExprLit extends Expr[Lit] {
def eval(e: Lit) = x.v;
case class Plus[A,B] (e1: A, e2: B) (implicit c1: Expr[A], c2: Expr[B])
Here I am stuck with implementing the implicit object for Plus. How do I declare an implicit object with type parameters and constraints?
I know that there are other solution for the expression problem in Scala, I am however interested in this version in particular.
Thank you all for reading my somewhat lengthy question.
First attempt (flawed):
case class Plus[A,B] (e1: A, e2: B) (implicit c1: Expr[A], c2: Expr[B]) {
implicit object ExprPlus extends Expr[Plus[A, B]] {
def eval(p:Plus[A, B]) = c1.eval(p.e1) + c2.eval(p.e2)
Edit 1:
The above isn't sufficiently powerful (you can't add two Plus
expressions), and the implicit witness need not be defined inside of the Plus
case class... try this instead:
case class Plus[A,B] (e1: A, e2: B) (implicit val c1: Expr[A], c2: Expr[B])
implicit def ExprPlus[A, B](implicit c1: Expr[A], c2: Expr[B]) =
new Expr[Plus[A, B]] {
def eval(p:Plus[A, B]) = c1.eval(p.e1) + c2.eval(p.e2)
Edit 2:
Here's a (perhaps) slightly more idiomatic version:
case class Plus[A: Expr, B: Expr] (e1: A, e2: B)
implicit def ExprPlus[A: Expr, B: Expr] = new Expr[Plus[A, B]] {
def eval(p:Plus[A, B]) = implicitly[Expr[A]].eval(p.e1) +
Here is the complete implementation of Expression Problem in scala using Type classes
trait Exp
case class Lit(value: Int) extends Exp
case class Add[A <: Exp, B <: Exp](left: A, right: B) extends Exp
Eval type class and implicit implementations
//type class
trait Eval[E] {
def eval(e: E): Int
implicit def litEval = new Eval[Lit] {
def eval(l: Lit) = l.value
implicit def addEval[A <: Exp, B <: Exp](implicit e1: Eval[A], e2: Eval[B]) = new Eval[Add[A, B]] {
def eval(a: Add[A, B]) = e1.eval(a.left) + e2.eval(a.right)
Lets extend the solution by adding new Type called Mult
case class Mult[A <: Exp, B <: Exp](left: A, right: B) extends Exp
implicit def mulEval[A <: Exp, B <: Exp](implicit e1: Eval[A], e2: Eval[B]) = new Eval[Mult[A, B]] {
def eval(m : Mult[A, B]) = e1.eval(m.left) * e2.eval(m.right)
Now the expressions can be evaluated like this
def expressionEvaluator[A <: Exp](exp: A)(implicit e : Eval[A]) = {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
// (3 + 4) * 7
val exp1 = Mult(Add(Lit(3), Lit(4)), Lit(7))
println("" + expressionEvaluator(exp1))
Lets extend the system by adding a new Operation Print
//type class
trait Print[P] {
def print(p: P): Unit
implicit def litPrint = new Print[Lit] {
def print(l: Lit) = Console.print(l.value)
implicit def addPrint[A <: Exp, B <: Exp](implicit p1: Print[A], p2 : Print[B]) = new Print[Add[A, B]] {
def print(a : Add[A, B]) = { p1.print(a.left); Console.print(" + "); p2.print(a.right); }
implicit def mulPrint[A <: Exp, B <: Exp](implicit p1: Print[A], p2: Print[B]) = new Print[Mult[A, B]] {
def print(m : Mult[A, B]) = { p1.print(m.left); Console.print(" * "); p2.print(m.right) }
Define a new method to print the Expressions
def printExpressions[A <: Exp](exp : A)(implicit p : Print[A]) = {
Update the main method to print the expression
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val exp1 = Mult(Add(Lit(3), Lit(4)), Lit(7))
print("Expression : ")
print(", Evaluated to : " + expressionEvaluator(exp1))
Entire solution can be executed by wrapping the code inside an object.