I have downloaded the version 1.1.0 of elasticsearch, and it's running well. I would like to install the marvel plugin, so I run the following command from the elasticsearch home directory (exactly like told in the official tutorial at http://www.elasticsearch.org/guide/en/marvel/current/#_simple_install):
bin\plugin -i elasticsearch/marvel/latest
But I get the following error:
-> Installing elasticsearch/marvel/latest...
Trying http://download.elasticsearch.org/elasticsearch/marvel/marvel-latest.zip.
Trying http://search.maven.org/remotecontent?filepath=elasticsearch/marvel/lates
Trying https://oss.sonatype.org/service/local/repositories/releases/content/elas
Trying https://github.com/elasticsearch/marvel/archive/vlatest.zip...
Trying https://github.com/elasticsearch/marvel/archive/master.zip...
Failed to install elasticsearch/marvel/latest, reason: failed to download out of
all possible locations..., use -verbose to get detailed information
And this is what I get when I use -verbose:
-> Installing elasticsearch/marvel/latest...
Trying http://download.elasticsearch.org/elasticsearch/marvel/marvel-latest.zip.
Failed: UnknownHostException[download.elasticsearch.org]
Trying http://search.maven.org/remotecontent?filepath=elasticsearch/marvel/lates
Failed: UnknownHostException[search.maven.org]
Trying https://oss.sonatype.org/service/local/repositories/releases/content/elas
Failed: UnknownHostException[oss.sonatype.org]
Trying https://github.com/elasticsearch/marvel/archive/vlatest.zip...
Failed: UnknownHostException[github.com]
Trying https://github.com/elasticsearch/marvel/archive/master.zip...
Failed: UnknownHostException[github.com]
Failed to install elasticsearch/marvel/latest, reason: failed to download out of
all possible locations..., use -verbose to get detailed information
You could try to go to the address http://download.elasticsearch.org/elasticsearch/marvel/marvel-latest.zip with your web browser. If you can download the marvel-latest.zip that way then you can manually create plugins directory under elasticsearch directory and unzip the marvel-latest.zip file in the plugins directory, i.e. the zip contents should go to plugins\marvel directory under ElasticSearch home directory.
Be sure to rename the unzipped directory from marvel-latest to marvel, so that address
suggested in the tutorial works.
I had somewhat similar problem as you with the ElasticSearch version 1.1.1. The
bin\plugin -i elasticsearch/marvel/latest
command gave FileNotFound errors though with the web browser I was able to download the plugin and get it work.
This works for Elasticsearch 2.0+ and Kibana 4.2+ according to https://www.elastic.co/downloads/marvel
Step 1: Install Marvel into Elasticsearch:
/path/to/elasticsearch/bin/./plugin install license
/path/to/elasticsearch/bin/./plugin install marvel-agent
Step 2: Install Marvel into Kibana
/path/to/kibana/bin/./kibana plugin --install elasticsearch/marvel/latest
Step 3: Start Elasticsearch and Kibana
Step 4: Navigate to http://localhost:5601/app/marvel
Step 5: For installing Sense into Kibana:
/path/to/kibana/bin/./kibana plugin --install elastic/sense
This works for me :
cd /usr/share/elasticsearch/bin
./plugin -i elasticsearch/marvel/latest
output :
-> Installing elasticsearch/marvel/latest...
Trying http://download.elasticsearch.org/elasticsearch/marvel/marvel-latest.zip...
Downloading ........................................DONE
Installed elasticsearch/marvel/latest into /usr/share/elasticsearch/plugins/marvel
EDIT: License install
./plugin -i elasticsearch/license/latest
Run your CMD as administrator and the latest marvel download will start.
You can get more Elasticsearch plugins accessing here: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/modules-plugins.html
Plugins installed to use with Elasticsearch are saved in the folder '../usr/share/elasticsearch' (by default).
To install Marvel plugin you can do:
cd ../usr/share/elasticsearch
bin/plugin -i elasticsearch/marvel/latest
Acessible in: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/marvel/current/_installation.html
Try running with proxy if you are behind one. Go to your elasticsearch installation path.
In my case > /usr/share/elasticsearch
cd /usr/share/elasticsearch
bin/plugin -DproxyPort=<porxyPort> -DproxyHost=<proxyHostDNSorIP> install license
bin/plugin -DproxyPort=<porxyPort> -DproxyHost=<proxyHostDNSorIP> install shield
You could try installing manually. following are the steps-
- download it from here-https://download.elasticsearch.org/elasticsearch/marvel/marvel-latest.zip
- Place it into your server.
- cd Path/To/elasticsearch-1.x.x
- bin/plugin -i marvel -u file:///Path/where/you/placed/marvel-latest.zip
- Restart your elastic search.
- Go to any mordern browser and write http://any-server-in-cluster:9200/_plugin/marvel/