Using OpenCV Mat images with Intel IPP?

放肆的年华 提交于 2019-12-02 20:53:50

There's a clean way to pass OpenCV data into an IPP function.

If we have an OpenCV Mat, we can cast *[0] to an const Ipp<type>*. For example, if we're dealing with 8-bit unsigned char (8u) data, we can plug (const Ipp8u*)&[0] into an IPP function. Here's an example using the ippiFilter function with the typical Lena image:

Mat img = imread("./Lena.pgm"); //OpenCV 8U_C1 image
Mat outImg = img.clone(); //allocate space for convolution results

int step = img.cols; //pitch
const Ipp32s kernel[9] = {-1, 0, 1, -1, 0, 1, -1, 0, 1};
IppiSize kernelSize = {3,3};
IppiSize dstRoiSize = {img.cols - kernelSize.width + 1, img.rows - kernelSize.height + 1};
IppiPoint anchor = {2,2};
int divisor = 1;

IppStatus status = ippiFilter_8u_C1R((const Ipp8u*)&[0], step,
                                     (Ipp8u*)&[0], step, dstRoiSize,
                                     kernel, kernelSize, anchor, divisor);

When I write outImg (from the above code) to a file, it gives the expected result:

This matches the result I got when I ran the Nvidia version, nppiFilter, with the same parameters:

I mentioned a structure called CIppiImage in the original question. CIppiImage just a simple wrapper for an array.
