. Hello y'all, I'm trying to implement this tutorial as a module in a page but I am getting a "weatherData.temperature is null" error.
I had previously been getting a "weatherData.city is null" error but fixed it by using onreadystatechange on the js.
I get that before I was getting the error because I was trying to setInnerHTML to something that was null because I hadn't wrapped the script in the onreadystatechange but now I'm stumped as to why I'm getting a similar error for a different line of code.
If anyone could tell me what I'm doing wrong it would be very much appreciate! Thank you so much!
(And yes, for reasons beyond my control I cannot separate the html and js on the page. I know. I know...)
<div id="weather-web-app">
<h1 id="city">Weather Web App</h1>
<a href="temperature" href="#" onclick="switchUnits(); return false;" title="Click to switch between metric and imperial units">
<span id="weather">
Current temperature and weather conditions
document.onreadystatechange = function(){
var weatherData = {
city: document.querySelector("#city"),
weather: document.querySelector("#weather"),
temperature: document.querySelector("#temperature"),
temperatureValue: 0,
units: "°C"
function switchUnits(){
if (weatherData.units == "°C"){
weatherData.temperatureValue = weatherData.temperatureValue * 9/5 + 32;
weatherData.units = "°F";
} else {
weatherData.temperatureValue = (weatherData.temperatureValue - 32) * 5/9;
weatherData.units = "°C";
weatherData.temperature.innerHTML = weatherData.temperatureValue + weatherData.units + ", ";
function getLocationAndWeather(){
if (window.XMLHttpRequest){
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.addEventListener("load", function() {
var response = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText);
var position = {
latitude: response.latitude,
longitude: response.longitude
var cityName = response.city;
var weatherSimpleDescription = response.weather.simple;
var weatherDescription = response.weather.description;
var weatherTemperature = response.weather.temperature;
weatherData.temperatureValue = weatherTemperature;
loadBackground(position.latitude, position.longitude, weatherSimpleDescription);
weatherData.city.innerHTML = cityName;
weatherData.weather.innerHTML = ", " + weatherDescription;
weatherData.temperature.innerHTML = weatherTemperature + weatherData.units;
}, false);
xhr.addEventListener("error", function(err){
alert("Could not complete the request");
}, false);
xhr.open("GET", "https://fourtonfish.com/tutorials/weather-web-app/getlocationandweather.php?owapikey=YOUROPENWEATHERMAPKEY&units=metric", true);
} else {
alert("Unable to fetch location and weather data.");
function loadBackground(lat, lon, weatherTag) {
var script_element = document.createElement('script');
script_element.src = "https://api.flickr.com/services/rest/?method=flickr.photos.search&api_key=YOURFLICKRAPIKEY&lat=" + lat + "&lon=" + lon + "&accuracy=1&tags=" + weatherTag + "&sort=relevance&extras=url_l&format=json";
function jsonFlickrApi(data){
if (data.photos.pages > 0){
var photo = data.photos.photo[0];
document.querySelector("body").style.backgroundImage = "url('" + photo.url_l + "')";
document.querySelector("#image-source").setAttribute("href", "http://www.flickr.com/photos/" + photo.owner + "/" + photo.id);
} else {
document.querySelector("body").style.backgroundImage = "url('https://fourtonfish.com/tutorials/weather-web-app/images/default.jpg')";
document.querySelector("#image-source").setAttribute("href", "https://www.flickr.com/photos/superfamous/310185523/sizes/o/");
You likely need to check the readyState
in your onreadystatechange
document.onreadystatechange = function () {
if (document.readyState === "interactive") {
// ...
Sample: document.readyState
Also you need to change
<a href="temperature"
<a id="temperature"
To get switchUnits
running, you'll need
switchUnits = function switchUnits () {
if (weatherData.units == "°C"){
weatherData.temperatureValue = weatherData.temperatureValue * 9/5 + 32;
weatherData.units = "°F";
} else {
weatherData.temperatureValue = (weatherData.temperatureValue - 32) * 5/9;
weatherData.units = "°C";
weatherData.temperature.innerHTML = weatherData.temperatureValue + weatherData.units + ", ";
... so the function is published to the window