How to stop Excel storing the absolute path to an XLA?

巧了我就是萌 提交于 2019-12-02 19:47:26

There's no good way to do this. I put my xla files on a network share rather than locally and install them via the UNC path. That only works for me because everyone has access to the share, which may not be the case for you. Here's some other alternatives

I simply remove the path with a sub like this one:

Sub RemoveXlaPath()
' Goal: delete the path reference to the add-in, i.e. everything before and including the '!'
' ='C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office14\LIBRARY\populator.xlam'!famedata(...)
    Cells.Replace What:="'C:\*xla*'!", Replacement:="", _
                    LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False, _
                    SearchFormat:=False, ReplaceFormat:=False
End Sub

Can you specify an environment variable-based path? E.g. %APPDATA%\MyCompany

What I have done is if I give a user a XLS , it has in its on open event some code which - installs the the XLA as part of its on open event. It also uninstalls old version if any (delete and command bars). This self distributes. In theory it could clean up any paths. This assumes there is some shared drive which everyone can access, this prevents them copying the XLA to local drive. Alternatively email them a shortcut to the XLA with XLA on the shared drive. If possible you don't want an XLA on a local drive.

If the XLA must be on a local drive - not sure if this would work but an XLS on open event could check an fix any paths and install /install a xla - if it knows where its is. But if you were emailing a XLS over the internet, the on open event of the XLS could check if the XLA is available and put up a message box telling the user what to do - install this xla, which would be a separate attachment. The XLA could clean up any paths as part of its on open event - just some ideas.

another possibility is the XLA on open event can modify the XLSs on open event so that if that XLS is distributed the XLS will be able to check if the XLA is available. Tricky.

It's a poor oversight that makes add-ins barely manageable for shared use. Other than this, using .XLAM add-ins is a good way to avoid having to have macro-enabled spreadsheets (the shared spreadsheet can be distributed without macros and the macros can reside in an .XLAM)
