cmake: setup multiple projects and dependiencies between them

喜欢而已 提交于 2019-12-02 19:42:55

You need to make use of the CMake targets and their properties:


cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8)

# Add sub-directories


add_library(ProjLib SHARED src/
target_include_directories(ProjLib PUBLIC ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/include)


add_executable(ProjExec src/
target_include_directories(ProjExec PRIVATE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/include)
target_link_libraries(ProjExec ProjLib)

target_link_libraries makes sure that when building a target, its dependencies' PUBLIC and INTERFACE include directories will be used appropriately.


Your cmake project template looks fine and self-contained. First, I'm going to assume GAITPARAMS_SRCS was supposed to be PROJEXEC_SRCS which is currently pointing at contains a main() method. (If you're going to manage a SRCS list, be careful not to add source files at the top of the list, add_executable expects the main function to be in the first entry)

Secondly, the problem is in your ProjLib/CMakeLists.txt. Try replacing your target_include_directories call with this:

target_include_directories (ProjLib PUBLIC ${PROJLIB_INCLUDE_DIR})

This will propagate the include directory information to the ProjExec when the target_link_libraries command is applied. If you don't wan't to do that, I guess you can access via #include <include/ProjLib.h> but that's just confusing. My recommendation is to add another folder in the include folder (named exactly the same with the cmake folder) and add your headers in it. Like this:

|  ProjLib/
|  |  include/
|  |  |  ProjLib/
|  |  |  |  proj_lib.h
|  |  src/
|  |  |
|  |  CMakeLists.txt

This lets you include your headers with a foldername (Not to mention preventing name collision.). Like this:

#include <ProjLib/proj_lib.h>

And to configure your CMakeLists.txt files to match the pattern.


All of the following are valid, but the best option is explained in rubenvb's answer.

You have at least 3 options:

1) Add the following line in ProjExec/CMakeLists.txt:

 target_include_directories (ProjExec PUBLIC ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/ProjLib/include)

2) You can extend the visibility of the variable PROJLIB_INCLUDE_DIR, by adding the CACHE INTERNAL keywords


and then use it in ProjExec/CMakeLists.txt:

 target_include_directories (ProjExec PUBLIC ${PROJLIB_INCLUDE_DIR})

See How to set the global variable in a function for cmake?
Of course ProjLib must come first in the add_subdirectory sequence in the main CMakeLists.txt file.

3) I couldn't test this one. If you in ProjLib's CMakeLists.txt use this line:

 target_include_directories (ProjLib PUBLIC ${PROJLIB_INCLUDE_DIR})

Then in ProjExec's CMakeLists.txt you can extract the property INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES, and use it:

 get_target_property(ProjLib PROJLIB_INCLUDE_DIR INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES) #Do not use anymore CACHE INTERNAL (Point 2)
 target_include_directories (ProjExec PUBLIC ${PROJLIB_INCLUDE_DIR}) #or PRIVATE

These 2 lines can be compacted in one, using cmake-generator-expressions (untested):


See also target_include_directories and get_target_property.

Other notes:
  • Either use include_directories or target_include_directories, not both.
  • You normally wouldn't need to have the source directory as include directory, i.e. you can remove include_directories("${PROJLIB_SOURCE_DIR}") and include_directories("${PROJEXEC_SOURCE_DIR}")