Obj-C, Storekit restoreCompletedTransactions returns zero transactions?

↘锁芯ラ 提交于 2019-12-02 19:27:05

try to do it like this and check the array count is it return zero also ?

- (void) checkPurchasedItems
   [[SKPaymentQueue defaultQueue] restoreCompletedTransactions];
}//You Call This Function

//Then this delegate Function Will be fired
- (void) paymentQueueRestoreCompletedTransactionsFinished:(SKPaymentQueue *)queue
  purchasedItemIDs = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];

  NSLog(@"received restored transactions: %i", queue.transactions.count);
  for (SKPaymentTransaction *transaction in queue.transactions)
      NSString *productID = transaction.payment.productIdentifier;
      [purchasedItemIDs addObject:productID];

According to the docs:

When you create a new product to be sold in your store, you choose whether that product can be restored or not.

So the question is, is your product configured to allow restores?
