Howto ban IP with Fail2Ban manually by command line?

孤人 提交于 2019-12-02 19:00:54

You ban him manually by adding his IP to the firewall. If you are using UFW, then you write something like this in your command line:

ufw insert 1 deny from <ip> to any

But you do not want to do that manually - the purpose of Fail2Ban is to ban someone automatically. Use this tutorial to configure Fail2Ban to automatically update your UFW rules. The importan part is to add banaction = ufw-SOMETHING to your jail.conf, and then create ufw-SOMETHING.conf in the /etc/fail2ban/action.d/ folder with the following content:

actionstart =
actionstop =
actioncheck =
actionban = ufw insert 1 deny from <ip> to any
actionunban = ufw delete deny from <ip> to any

This will ban the IP completely for a predefined amount of time. If you want to ban him until next reboot, omit the actionunban command.

sudo fail2ban-client -vvv set JAIL banip WW.XX.YY.ZZ

Check the jail where to add the IP using sudo fail2ban-client status

Paul G
sudo fail2ban-client -vvv  'set' 'jail' 'banip' 'ip'

Definitely works as the manual solution. Just login via ssh and execute.

only thing is I keep getting "beatify" messages?

Also not sure if this will ban an ip range e.g. enter '185.130.5' to ban all ranges from '' to 255?
