I am implementing the TFS Security commands to change a git master branch acess control permissions to DENY for contribute field.
Below is the command I am using:
/tfssecurity.exe /a+ GitRepositories repositories/[543473b8-6186-42b3-bdab-b22bc44cc8f8/] GenericContribute n:'"[Projectname]\TFSGroup'" DENY /collection:CollectionURL"
I am using powershell 3.0 for this project and I get below error
Error: The security namespace GitRepositories does not exist.
Could someone help me with this?
You missed a blank space in "Git Repositories" name space. Try following:
tfssecurity.exe /a+ "Git Repositories"
According to the error info, you are implementing with a not exist namespace.
You can use tfssecurity /a
command to view a list of namespaces at the server level
The namespace that contains the group from which you want to remove the user or group. You can also use the tfssecurity /a command to view a list of namespaces at the server level, the collection level, and the project level.
More detail info of this command, please refer the link from MSDN: Change groups and permissions with TFSSecurity