I have a backup from PostgresSQL database created this way:
/usr/bin/pg_dump --no-owner --no-acl > dump.sql
When I try to restore on a different machine:
psql db < dump.sql
it trows many errors: invalid command \N
When I try to use pg_restore
pg_restore dump.sql -d db
Different error: pg_restore: [archiver] input file appears to be a text format dump. Please use psql.
According to documentation this should be a non issue.
Any way to tell psql
that \N character is a null value?
Oh hi me, it's me
Make sure:
- Database exists
- Importing user has permissions
- Get the first error before
ones flood in psql -d database -f backup.sql -U user
should do the trick for importing
Also eat healthy and get good rest. k bye