I am looking for a few books, blogs or articles on WWF. I've read the books below; however, I need resources that cover the topic in more depth. I am especially interested in local services, persistence, tracking and viewing Workflows from a website. Any suggestions??
IMHO, the best books are Essential Windows Workflow Foundation and Programming Windows Workflow Foundation: Practical WF Techniques and Examples using XAML and C#.
Blogs that I read:
This is a good start: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/netframework/aa663328.aspx This is a good blog: http://msmvps.com/blogs/theproblemsolver/
Jon Flanders blog also has got lots of valuable information: http://www.masteringbiztalk.com/blogs/jon/
You can refer these few Blogs....
These Are some very good Blogs and updated Blogs that i have found during exploration for Windows Workflow. Hope it will help you.