PHP equivalent of .net AES encryption

笑着哭i 提交于 2019-12-02 13:35:35

Can anyone spot the mistake?

Yes, and the big one isn't really your fault: mcrypt's confusing API strikes again.

That said, there are actually multiple mistakes here.

return rtrim( // unnecessary
            MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256, // Not AES
            $secretKey, $plainText,
            MCRYPT_MODE_ECB, // BAD, use MCRYPT_MODE_CBC or 'ctr' instead
                mcrypt_get_iv_size(      // unless you're going make this
                    MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256, // configurable, you should just
                    MCRYPT_MODE_ECB      // hard-code this as an integer
                MCRYPT_RAND) // BAD, use MCRYPT_DEV_URANDOM
    ), "\0"

If you're going to generate an IV, it should be communicated so your recipient can decrypt the same first block successfully. The C# code does this, the PHP does not.

From a cryptography engineering perspective, you should consider, both in C# land and in PHP, deploying an Encrypt then Authenticate protocol. See this blog post on encryption and authentication. Also, all the crypto code you've ever written is probably broken.

It seems like the PHP Script is Using the wrong Mode:
The C# Functions do not set any Mode so the default is CBC.
The PHP part uses ECB instead, which is not only wrong, but insecure.
