It used to be possible to setChoiceValue in Qualtrics. Is there a workaround that does not involve embedded data?

不问归期 提交于 2019-12-02 12:43:39

setChoiceValue works just fine. In fact, your script will work just fine if you change addOnload to addOnReady.

The change to Qualtrics has to do with timing and when the buttons are available. With addOnload your script is trying to hide the buttons before they are available which halts the script due a JS error.

Thanks! However, here's what I've found:

The script works fine whether it uses addOnload or addOnReady. But what does happen, sometimes, is that Qualtrics 'question' becomes altered so that the choice identifiers are no longer as expected. Even changing the question to a descriptive text type question, and then changing it back to multiple choice (so as to re-create Qualtrics's default choices), doesn't necessarily fix the problem with the identifiers. Creating a new block and a new question, from scratch, does fix the problem.
