I got a batch file that does the following.
echo Server 1 C:\>>output.txt
fsutil volume diskfree \\IPISHERE\d$>>output.txt
echo ---------------------------------------------------------- >>output.txt
This then displays data as
Total # of free bytes : 71942455296
Total # of bytes : 131623546880
Total # of avail free bytes : 71942455296
Please can some one help so I can convert it in to GBs?
@echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
for /F "tokens=1* delims=:" %%a in ('fsutil volume diskfree C:') do for %%c in (%%b) do (
set "D=%%c"
set /A "D1=!D:~0,-8!,D2=1!D:~-8,-4!-10000,D3=1!D:~-4!-10000"
for /L %%f in (1,1,3) do ( rem Number of divisions: KB, MB, GB
set /A "F=0,C=0"
for /L %%i in (1,1,3) do ( rem Quads in the number of bytes: 3*4 = 12 digits
set /A "F+=^!^!D%%i"
if !F! neq 0 set /A "D=C*10000+D%%i,D%%i=D/1024,C=D%%1024"
set /A "C=C*10000/1024+10000
echo %%a: !D3!.!C:~1,2! GB
Output example:
C:\Users\Antonio\Documents\Test> fsutil volume diskfree C:
Número total de bytes libres : 406596222976
Número total de bytes : 474821423104
Número total de bytes libres disponibles: 406596222976
C:\Users\Antonio\Documents\Test> test.bat
Número total de bytes libres : 378.67 GB
Número total de bytes : 442.21 GB
Número total de bytes libres disponibles: 378.67 GB