I putting a form together, but for design reason the form must be submitted by a link. I found out how to perform that:
= link_to_function "Next >>", "$(this).up('form').submit()"
This will do, and I can create many link with this no problem. However I don't know how to distinguish which link was used to bring me back to the controller ? I need to perform slightly different depending on the link...
Any idea ? I have tried to embed some javascript, etc. but I could not figure it out.
= link_to_function "Next >>", "$('#hidden_field').value = 1;$(this).up('form').submit()"
= link_to_function "Next 2 >>", "$('#hidden_field').value = 2;$(this).up('form').submit()"
Assuming you're using jquery, set a hidden field to different values depending on which link was clicked. The 2nd parameter to link_to_function is merely javascript, after all.