How to optimize query postgres

℡╲_俬逩灬. 提交于 2019-12-02 10:34:53
Erwin Brandstetter

Try this rewritten version:

SELECT fat.*   
FROM   Table1 fat
JOIN   conciliacao_vendas cv USING (empresa_id, chavefato, rede_id)
JOIN   loja lj               ON = fat.loja_id  
JOIN   rede rd               ON = fat.rede_id  
JOIN   bandeira bd           ON = fat.bandeira_id  
JOIN   produto pd            ON = fat.produto_id  
JOIN   loja_extensao le      ON = fat.loja_extensao_id  
JOIN   conta ct              ON = fat.conta_id
JOIN   banco bc              ON = ct.banco_id
LEFT   JOIN modo_captura mc  ON = fat.modo_captura_id  
WHERE  cv.controle_upload_arquivo_id = 6906  
AND    fat.parcela = 1  
ORDER  BY fat.data_venda, fat.data_credito
LIMIT  20;

JOIN syntax and sequence of joins

In particular I fixed the misleading LEFT JOIN to conciliacao_vendas, which is forced to act as a plain [INNER] JOIN by the later WHERE condition anyways. This should simplify query planning and allow to eliminate rows earlier in the process, which should make everything a lot cheaper. Related answer with detailed explanation:

USING is just a syntactical shorthand.

Since there are many tables involved in the query and the order the rewritten query joins tables is optimal now, you can fine-tune this with SET LOCAL join_collapse_limit = 1 to save planning overhead and avoid inferior query plans. Run in a single transaction:

SET LOCAL join_collapse_limit = 1;
SELECT ...;  -- read data here
COMMIT;      -- or ROOLBACK;

More about that:


Add some indexes on lookup tables with lots or rows (not necessary for just a couple of dozens), in particular (taken from your query plan):

Seq Scan on public.conta ct ... rows=6771
Seq Scan on public.loja lj ... rows=1568
Seq Scan on public.loja_extensao le ... rows=16394

That's particularly odd, because those columns look like primary key columns and should already have an index ...


CREATE INDEX conta_pkey_idx ON public.conta (id);
CREATE INDEX loja_pkey_idx ON public.loja (id);
CREATE INDEX loja_extensao_pkey_idx ON public.loja_extensao (id);

To make this really fat, a multicolumn index would be of great service:

CREATE INDEX foo ON Table1 (parcela, data_venda, data_credito);