sorry, just following on from the question I had here : here I am trying to run this method to remove a generic value (EltType) from a double sided queue(deque), but I keep getting an error in that, I call insertFirst twice, and insert the value "3" into the array twice, then, when I run removeFirst, it will print out "3" once, and then "Null" thereafter. Would anyone be able to help me out please ?
class ArrayBasedDeque<EltType> {
private final int CAPACITY = 10;
private int capacity;
private int end;
private EltType deque[];
public ArrayBasedDeque() {
this.capacity = CAPACITY;
deque = (EltType[]) (new Object[capacity]);
public EltType removeFirst() {
EltType[] tempArray;
EltType returned = deque[0];
tempArray = (EltType[]) new Object[capacity];
for (int i=1;i<capacity;i++) {
tempArray[i-1] = deque[i];
deque = tempArray;
return returned;
public boolean isEmpty() {
return end == 0;
public void insertFirst(EltType first) {
if(!isEmpty()) {
EltType[] tempArray;
tempArray = (EltType[]) new Object[capacity+1];
for (int i=0;i<deque.length;i++) {
tempArray[i+1] = deque[i];
deque = tempArray;
deque[0] = first;
Thank you :)
The big glaring issue is that end
never changes. isEmpty()
will always return true
. Now let's look at your insertFirst()
public void insertFirst(EltType first) {
if(!isEmpty()) {
EltType[] tempArray;
tempArray = (EltType[]) new Object[capacity+1];
for (int i=0;i<deque.length;i++) {
tempArray[i+1] = deque[i];
deque = tempArray;
deque[0] = first;
Knowing that isEmpty()
always returns true
no matter what, what is the problem with this piece of code?
You need to update your end pointer too when you remove an element.
You should also investigate System.arrayCopy()