CFLoop Error For Missing Entries

我怕爱的太早我们不能终老 提交于 2019-12-02 07:29:24

Using the recordcount of the external database in the loop should prevent the errors.

<cfloop index="x" from="1" to="#ExternalDatabaseQuery.RecordCount#">

A better solution, assuming you do have the query in memory, would be to use a query of queries.

<cfquery dbtype='query' name='data'>
SELECT SID, First AS FirstName, Last AS LastName, Age AS StudentAge
FROM ExternalDatabaseQuery

Mike, apologies if I'm misunderstanding what you're after but it would seem that some basic conditionals could do the job. The following edit to your code is just a suggestion as to how to go about it (your full code base may dictate something slightly different, of course).

<cfset data = queryNew("sid,firstname,lastname,age","integer,varchar,varchar,integer")>
<cfloop index="x" from="1" to="50">
    <cfif isDefined("first[x]") AND isDefined("last[x]") AND isDefined("studentage[x]")>
    <cfset queryAddRow(data)>
    <cfset querySetCell(data,"sid",x)>
    <cfset querySetCell(data,"firstname","#first[x]#")>
    <cfset querySetCell(data,"lastname","#last[x]#")>
    <cfset querySetCell(data,"age","#studentage[x]#")>

<cfoutput query="data">
    #sid# -  #firstnamet# #lastname# - #age#<br />

The primary problem here (and maybe this is not an issue for you) is that this will output 50 - errors. So, if there are 3 errors (i.e., no data found) you'll have 47 entries output rather than 50. If that's an issue, please add a comment ... there are some alternative approaches for ensuring that you always have 50 items output.
