Using SQL to determine word count stats of a text field

泪湿孤枕 提交于 2019-11-26 14:39:28

The text handling capabilities of MySQL aren't good enough for what you want. A stored function is an option, but will probably be slow. Your best bet to process the data within MySQL is to add a user defined function. If you're going to build a newer version of MySQL anyway, you could also add a native function.

The "correct" way is to process the data outside the DB since DBs are for storage, not processing, and any heavy processing might put too much of a load on the DBMS. Additionally, calculating the word count outside of MySQL makes it easier to change the definition of what counts as a word. How about storing the word count in the DB and updating it when a document is changed?

Example stored function:

       NO SQL
    DECLARE wordCnt, idx, maxIdx INT DEFAULT 0;
    DECLARE currChar, prevChar BOOL DEFAULT 0;
    SET maxIdx=char_length(str);
    SET idx = 1;
    WHILE idx <= maxIdx DO
        SET currChar=SUBSTRING(str, idx, 1) RLIKE '[[:alnum:]]';
        IF NOT prevChar AND currChar THEN
            SET wordCnt=wordCnt+1;
        END IF;
        SET prevChar=currChar;
        SET idx=idx+1;
    RETURN wordCnt;

This is quite a bit faster, though just slightly less accurate. I found it 4% light on the count, which is OK for "estimate" scenarios.

    ROUND (   
            CHAR_LENGTH(content) - CHAR_LENGTH(REPLACE (content, " ", "")) 
        / CHAR_LENGTH(" ")        
    ) AS count    
FROM documents

You can use the word_count() UDF from I ported the logic from the accepted answer with a difference that my code only supports latin1 charset. The logic would need to be reworked to support other charsets. Also, both implementations always consider a non-alphanumeric character to be a delimiter, which may not always desirable - for example "teacher's book" is considered to be three words by both implementations.

The UDF version is, of course, significantly faster. For a quick test I tried both on a dataset from Project Guttenberg consisting of 9751 records totaling about 3 GB. The UDF did all of them in 18 seconds, while the stored function took 63 seconds to process just 30 records (which UDF does in 0.05 seconds). So the UDF is roughly 1000 times faster in this case.

UDF will beat any other method in speed that does not involve modifying MySQL source code. This is because it has access to the string bytes in memory and can operate directly on bytes without them having to be moved around. It is also compiled into machine code and runs directly on the CPU.
