I was given some very good hints in this forum about how to code a clock object in Python 2. I've got some code working now. It's a clock that 'ticks' at 60 FPS:
import sys
import time
class Clock(object):
def __init__(self):
self.fps = 60.0
self._tick = 1.0 / self.fps
print "TICK", self._tick
self.t = self.timestamp()
def init_os(self):
if sys.platform == "win32":
self.timestamp = time.clock
self.wait = time.sleep
def timeit(self, f, args):
t1 = self.timestamp()
t2 = self.timestamp()
return t2 - t1
def check_min_sleep(self):
"""checks the min sleep time on the system"""
runs = 1000
times = [self.timeit(self.wait, (0.001, )) for n in xrange(runs)]
average = sum(times) / runs
print "average min sleep time:", round(average, 6)
sort = sorted(times)
print "fastest, slowest", sort[0], sort[-1]
def tick(self):
next_tick = self.t + self._tick
t = self.timestamp()
while t < next_tick:
t = self.timestamp()
self.t = t
if __name__ == "__main__":
clock = Clock()
The clock does not do too bad, but in order to avoid a busy loop I'd like Windows to sleep less than the usual about 15 milliseconds. On my system (64-bit Windows 10), it returns me an average of about 15 / 16 msecs when starting the clock if Python is the only application that's running. That's way too long for a min sleep to avoid a busy loop.
Does anybody know how I can get Windows to sleep less than that value?
You can temporarily lower the timer period to the wPeriodMin
value returned by timeGetDevCaps
. The following defines a timer_resolution
context manager that calls the timeBeginPeriod
and timeEndPeriod
import timeit
import contextlib
import ctypes
from ctypes import wintypes
winmm = ctypes.WinDLL('winmm')
class TIMECAPS(ctypes.Structure):
_fields_ = (('wPeriodMin', wintypes.UINT),
('wPeriodMax', wintypes.UINT))
def _check_time_err(err, func, args):
if err:
raise WindowsError('%s error %d' % (func.__name__, err))
return args
winmm.timeGetDevCaps.errcheck = _check_time_err
winmm.timeBeginPeriod.errcheck = _check_time_err
winmm.timeEndPeriod.errcheck = _check_time_err
def timer_resolution(msecs=0):
caps = TIMECAPS()
winmm.timeGetDevCaps(ctypes.byref(caps), ctypes.sizeof(caps))
msecs = min(max(msecs, caps.wPeriodMin), caps.wPeriodMax)
def min_sleep():
setup = 'import time'
stmt = 'time.sleep(0.001)'
return timeit.timeit(stmt, setup, number=1000)
>>> min_sleep()
>>> with timer_resolution(msecs=1): min_sleep()
The original timer resolution is restored after the with
>>> min_sleep()