Join two tables with a column with multiple entries for the other table

孤者浪人 提交于 2019-12-02 06:43:46

It's not that difficult, but - as you were told, you'd rather NOT do that.

SQL> with
  2  t1 (pk, info) as
  3    (select 1, 'one' from dual union
  4     select 2, 'two' from dual union
  5     select 3, 'three' from dual
  6    ),
  7  t2 (pk, fkt1) as
  8    (select 1, '1,3' from dual union
  9     select 2, '1,2,3' from dual union
 10     select 3, '2' from dual
 11    ),
 12  t2rows as
 13    (select pk, regexp_substr(fkt1, '[^,]+', 1, column_value) fkt1, column_value rn
 14     from t2,
 15          table(cast(multiset(select level from dual
 16                              connect by level <= regexp_count(fkt1, ',') + 1
 17                             ) as sys.odcinumberlist))
 18    )
 19  select,
 20    listagg(t2r.fkt1, ',') within group (order by t2r.rn) fkt1,
 21    listagg(, ',') within group (order by t2r.rn) infot1
 22  from t2rows t2r join t1 on t2r.fkt1 =
 23  group by
 24  order by;

        PK FKT1                 INFOT1
---------- -------------------- --------------------
         1 1,3                  one,three
         2 1,2,3                one,two,three
         3 2                    two
