|a b |
a := ZnClient new.
a get: 'http://cloud-storage.com/login'.
formAt: 'username' put: 'jom';
formAt: 'password' put: 'mypass';
get: 'http://cloud-storage.com/my-file'.
"Here I want to refresh the session for every 60sec and"
"to checking for newer data"
b := a maxNumberOfRedirects:60
Transcript show: b; cr.
I would like to implement a method that can refresh the ZnClient session every 60s for checking for newer data on the server I am logged into. I tried the redirect method of pharo but it does not seem to work. or say It does not show anything. Any idea?
| session data |
session := ZnClient new url: 'http://cloud-storage.com'.
session path: '/login';
formAt: 'email' put: 'jom';
formAt: 'password' put: 'mypass';
"Get data"
data := session path: '/my-file'; get; contents.
"Check for new data every 60 secs for maximum 100 tries"
100 timesRepeat: [
| newData |
(Delay forSeconds: 60) wait.
newData := session path: '/my-file'; get; contents.
(data ~= newData) ifTrue: [Transcript show: newData; cr]
] fork.
NB. Despite above example code you may want to consider trying If-Modified-Since
method in ZnClient.