Insert multiple records with a date range in MS Access

梦想的初衷 提交于 2019-12-02 05:44:49

This is where DAO shines. It is so much faster to run a loop adding records than calling a Insert Into multiple times.

Here is how:

Public Function PopulateBokings()

    Dim rsBookings  As DAO.Recordset
    Dim NextDate    As Date

    Set rsBookings = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("Select Top 1 * From Bookings")

    NextDate = Me!StartDate.Value
    While DateDiff("d", NextDate, Me!EndDate.Value) >= 0
        If Weekday(NextDate, vbMonday) > 5 Then
            ' Skip Weekend.
                rsBookings!ChildrenId.Value = Me!ChildrenId.Value
                rsBookings!ClubsId.Value = Me!ClubId.Value
                rsBookings!DateRequested.Value = NextDate
        End If
        NextDate = DateAdd("d", 1, NextDate)

    Set rsBookings = Nothing

End Function

Paste the code into the code module of the form, adjust the field and control names to those of yours, and call the function from the Click event of a button.

Consider populating a separate DateRange table that holds all possible dates, like all of 2017. You can build such a table iteratively with dynamic SQL query calls in VBA. And only run this once.

Then, create a stored query that cross joins Children, Club, and DateRange with filters for all by form parameters. This returns all possible date ranges repeating same Child and Club for table append.


Public Sub PopulateTime()
    Dim i As Integer, StartDate As Date

    CurrentDb.Execute "CREATE TABLE DateRange (" _
                             & " [ID] AUTOINCREMENT PRIMARY KEY," _
                             & " [BookDate] DATETIME)", dbFailOnError

    StartDate = DateSerial(2017, 1, 1)
    For i = 0 To 364
          CurrentDb.Execute "INSERT INTO DateRange ([BookDate])" _
                 & " VALUES (#" & DateAdd("d", i, StartDate) & "#);", dbFailOnError
    Next i

End Sub


INSERT INTO Bookings (ChildID, ClubID, DateRequested)
SELECT c.ChildID, b.ClubID, d.BookDate
FROM Children c, Clubs b, DateRange d
WHERE c.ChildID = Forms!myformname!ChildID
  AND b.ClubID = Forms!myformname!ClubID
  AND d.BookDate BETWEEN Forms!myformname!StartDate 
                     AND Forms!myformname!EndDate

You can use a sequence generator query to repeatedly insert rows into a table between two parameters.

For this example, the maximum number of days inserted is 999, but this can easily be increased to 9999 or even more.

Inspired by this answer by Gustav:

PARAMETERS [StartDate] DateTime, [EndDate] DateTime;
INSERT INTO MyTable(MyDateField)
SELECT DISTINCT [StartDate] - 1+ 100*Abs([Hundreds].[id] Mod 10) + 10*Abs([Tens].[id] Mod 10)+Abs([Ones].[id] Mod 10)+1
FROM MSysObjects As Ones, MSysObjects As Tens, MSysObjects As Hundreds
WHERE [StartDate] - 1+ 100*Abs([Hundreds].[id] Mod 10) + 10*Abs([Tens].[id] Mod 10)+Abs([Ones].[id] Mod 10)+1 Between [StartDate]-1 And [EndDate]

Performance won't be good, but there are multiple advantages using a non-VBA solution.
