how to inset a new array to my jagged array

房东的猫 提交于 2019-12-02 05:36:02

The size of an array, once created, is by definition invariable. If you need a variable number of elements, use a List<T> - in your case, probably a List<int[]>.

The only alternative solution would be to created a new array with the new size (and assign that to your jag_array variable) and copy all the previous elements from your old array into the new array. That is unnecessarily complicated code when you can just use List<T>, but if you cannot use List<T> for any reason, here is an example:

// increase the length of jag_array by one
var old_jag_array = jag_array; // store a reference to the smaller array
jag_array = new int[old_jag_array.Length + 1][]; // create the new, larger array
for (int i = 0; i < old_jag_array.Length; i++) {
    jag_array[i] = old_jag_array[i]; // copy the existing elements into the new array
jag_array[jag_array.Length - 1] = ... // insert new value here