I want to create a code that will return "true" (if I type in a palindrome regardless of case or if there are special characters in it), and "false" otherwise. The code I have so far works for phrases with no special characters such as commas, apostrophes, spaces, etc.
def is_palindrome(my_str):
my_str= my_str.casefold()
rev_str= reversed(my_str)
if list(my_str) == list(rev_str):
when I do:
print (is_palindrome("Rats live on no evil star"))
it returns True because it is a palindrome
when I do:
print (is_palindrome("Hello World!"))
it returns False because it is not a palindrome
when I do:
print (is_palindrome("Madam, I'm Adam"))
it returns False. but I want to create a code that considers this a palindrome
You need to filter before testing then:
letters = [c.casefold() for c in my_str if c.isalpha()]
would pick out only the letters and lowercase them, after which you can test of those letters form a palindrome:
return letters == letters[::-1]
This works because str.isalpha()
returns True
only for letters.
Combined into your function:
def is_palindrome(my_str):
letters = [c.casefold() for c in my_str if c.isalpha()]
return letters == letters[::-1]
>>> def is_palindrome(my_str):
... letters = [c.casefold() for c in my_str if c.isalpha()]
... return letters == letters[::-1]
>>> is_palindrome("Rats live on no evil star")
>>> is_palindrome("Hello World!")
>>> is_palindrome("Madam, I'm Adam")
my_str = my_str.casefold()
my_str = ''.join(e for e in my_str if e.isalpha())
This should recreate my_str with only alphabetical characters, using .isalpha(). Then do the test on that. If you want to keep a record of original string, just stored the recreated version is a temporary string.
If you just want to exclude punctuation and spaces you can use str.translate
from string import punctuation
d = {k: None for k in punctuation}
d[" "] = None
def is_palindrome(my_str):
trans = str.maketrans(d)
my_str = my_str.translate(trans).casefold()
return my_str == my_str[::-1]
You may get just alphanumeric character in your string;
re.sub(r'[^a-zA-Z0-9]+', '', your_string).lower()
By the way this one works, if you ignores non-ASCII chars.