Use programming to set touch input on android

霸气de小男生 提交于 2019-12-02 04:36:26


I want to use programming to mimic a "touch" on a position (x, y) on the screen.

I saw this link, but it only teaches you how to inject characters.

I want to inject a touch at position (x, y)

How do I do this using Android SDK (which is java)?


You can "fake" a touch event like this:

MotionEvent event = MotionEvent.obtain(downTime, eventTime, action, x, y, metaState);

API Docs:

Create a new MotionEvent, filling in a subset of the basic motion values. Those not specified here are: device id (always 0), pressure and size (always 1), x and y precision (always 1), and edgeFlags (always 0).


  • downTime The time (in ms) when the user originally pressed down to start a stream of position events. This must be obtained from SystemClock.uptimeMillis().
  • eventTime The the time (in ms) when this specific event was generated. This must be obtained from SystemClock.uptimeMillis().
  • action The kind of action being performed -- one of either ACTION_DOWN, ACTION_MOVE, ACTION_UP, or ACTION_CANCEL.
  • x The X coordinate of this event.
  • y The Y coordinate of this event.
  • metaState The state of any meta / modifier keys that were in effect when the event was generated.

Link to API Docs


That would be Monkeyrunner to do the job

