busy mouse cursor when page loading in ASP.NET [closed]

白昼怎懂夜的黑 提交于 2019-12-02 04:28:50

try this from setHourglass

With ASP.NET pages this is a bit more of a problem to do. You need to employ a little JavaScript.

Add this JavaScript between the tags on your ASP.NET web page:


 function setHourglass()
   document.body.style.cursor = 'wait';

Now you have to tell the web form to run the JavaScript funciton when a post back happens.

Add this to your tag:


     <body onbeforeunload="setHourglass();" onunload="setHourglass();">

Also try this Hourglass-cursor-for-Web-ASP-NET-pages

Now to set it back to normal do this


This helped me. However, it was for the ajax updatePanel. It may give you some ideas. http://encosia.com/improved-progress-indication-with-aspnet-ajax/
