Copy an object and make both share a member variable (C++)

╄→гoц情女王★ 提交于 2019-12-02 03:50:21

What you need is a pointer. The pointer points to the object and then all objects that copy the first one just copy the pointer so that they all point to the same thing. To make life easy we can use a std::shared_ptr to manage the allocation and deallocation for us. Something like:

#include <memory>

class Foo
    std::shared_ptr<int> bar;
    Foo() : bar(std::make_shared<int>()) {}
    int& getBar() { return *bar; }

int main()
    Foo a;
    a.getBar() = 7;
    Foo b = a;
    b.getBar() = 10;
    // now getBar returns 10 for both a and b
    Foo c;
    // a and b are both 10 and c is 0 since it wasn't a copy and is it's own instance
    b = c;
    // now b and c are both 0 and a is still 10