Python newbie here. Python 2.7 with beautifulsoup 4.
I am trying to get parse a webpage to get columns using BeautifulSoup. The webpage has tables inside tables; but table 4 is the one that I want, it does not have any headers or th tag. I want to get the data into column.
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import urllib2
url = ''
htmltext = urllib2.urlopen(url).read()
soup = BeautifulSoup(htmltext)
#Table 8 has the data needed; it is nested under other tables though
# specific reference works as below:
print soup.findAll('table')[8].findAll('tr')[2].findAll('td')[2].contents
# Below loop erros out:
for row in soup.findAll('table')[8].findAll('tr'):
column2 = row.findAll('td')[2].contents
print column2
# "Index error: list index out of range" is what I get on second line of for loop.
I saw this as a working solution in another example but didnt work for me. Also tried iterating around tr:
mytr = soup.findAll('table')[8].findAll('tr')
for row in mytr:
print row.find('td') #works but gives only first td as expected
print row.findAll('td')[2]
which gives an error that row is a list which is out of index.
- First findAll('table') - works
- second findAll('tr') - works
- third findAll('td') - works only if ALL [ ] are numbers and not variables.
print soup.findAll('table')[8].findAll('tr')[2].findAll('td')[2].contents
Above works as it is specific reference but not through variables. But I need it inside a loop to get full column.
I took a look, first row in the table is actually a header so under the first tr
there are some th
, this should work:
>>> mytr = soup.findAll('table')[9].findAll('tr')
>>> for i,row in enumerate(mytr):
... if i:
... print i,row.findAll('td')[2]
as in most cases of html parsing, consider a more elegant solution like xml and xpath, like:
>>> from lxml import html
>>> print html.parse(url).xpath('//table[@class="yfnc_datamodoutline1"]//td[2]')