Read sms.db and call_history.db file on iOS?

不羁岁月 提交于 2019-12-02 03:21:25

Problem with accessing these is not root permissions but sandbox rules. As long as you're out of the sandbox you can read them. Don't know why your root application couldn't read it but it should. There is no other restrictions apart from the sandbox. Root permissions are needed to write to those databases but everybody can read them. I even rememeber reading them from inside of regular AppStore app on jailbroken phone. Jailbreak breaks some of the sandbox rules so you can read I think anywhere in the file system. That's how some jailbreak detectors work, for example.

It's impossible to access the user's SMS messages on both the simulator and on the real device (unless it's jailbroken). Unlike on Android, Apple's privacy constraints don't allow developers the right to access the users' personal data such as text messages, phone calls, etc. You can see various examples for this. For example, try Whatsapp registration process on both iPhone and Android. On both, you'll receive a text message with the code, but while on the Android the code will be magically inputted and verified by the app, on the iPhone you'll see the received text message and be asked to manually type the code.
